APMP-DEC Workshop: 'NMIs strategically moving toward digital transformation', August 12, 2024

Metrology plays a vital role in the nation’s socio-economic growth. Since the redefinition of SI units in 2019 and the evolution of Industry 4.0, the metrology community has started defining how metrology will evolve in the near future. Digitalization in metrology can be viewed as an amalgamation of conventional metrology...

Resources on DXFG website: 11 June 2024

A drop-down Resources menu is now part of the navigation bar on the DXFG website. This menu gives access to resources describing several digitalisation initiatives. It should be noted that these initiatives are under development by DXFG members. They are shared here for the benefit of others who...

APMP-DXFG Workshop for TC Chairs: 23 November 2023

The General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), at its 27th meeting in Paris, on 18 November 2022, agreed on a resolution pertaining to global digital transformation of the international measurement system (SI). This heralds the start of a concerted effort to adopt digital representations for information and metrological processes...

APMP-DXFG Webinar: 28 November 2022

The APMP has a focus group looking at the challenges posed by digital transformation in metrology. To mark the end of its first year, the group hosted a webinar on November 28, 2022, with speakers from around the world who are involved in efforts to digitalise metrology. Some of the...

Welcome to the APMP-DXFG!

The APMP-DXFG is a focus group looking at the challenges posed by digital transformation in metrology to APMP members. The group was approved by the APMP General Assembly in November 2021. This website will be used as a communication channel for the DXFG.

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