LaTeX class file that specifies the appearance of Lunar Metrology Institute reports

Lunar Metrology Institute Style

Our objective in these pages has been to develop a LaTeX class that specifies the appearance of calibration reports for the Lunar Metrology Institute. We looked separately at producing the title page layout and the appearance of the body. Now we explain how to combine those title and body styles in one LaTeX class file that specifies the appearance of complete reports.

LaTeX class file for LMI reports

The LaTeX class file for LMI reports is shown below (files are also available from the github respository). Most of the content in this file is taken directly from the LaTeX files we developed for the report title and body. The one notable difference is that \usepackage is replaced everywhere by \RequirePackage.

Other differences between this class file and the LaTeX sources used earlier are explained below.

%% This is file `LMIReport.cls',
%% ============================================================================
%%  LaTeX class for Lunar Metrology Institute Calibration Reports
%% ============================================================================
%% This files is the property of the Lunar Metrology Institute of The Moon (LMI).
\ProvidesClass{LMIReport}[2024/05/17  v1.0.0 LMIReport class]


% Paper size and margins 

\RequirePackage{stix}           % Need this or font looks funny

\RequirePackage[UKenglish,cleanlook]{isodate}   % Date format: day month year

%% Make captions without using LaTeX floating figure or table environments 
        \captionof{#1}{\small #3}

%% This package finds the number of pages in a document.
%% The compiler must be run twice to find the LastPage number.
\RequirePackage{lastpage}       % To allow page 'n' of 'm'

%% For including images

\RequirePackage{parskip}        % Paragraph formatting
\RequirePackage{setspace}       % Control of line spacing 

\RequirePackage{multirow}   % Allows table column entries that span rows
\RequirePackage{array}      % Extends the tabular environment, provides \extrarowheight
\RequirePackage{dcolumn}    % Allows alignment on decimal points

    colorlinks=true,        % links are coloured
    urlcolor=blue,          % URLs, etc
    linkcolor=black,        % Pages, etc
%% Set up a header and footer
    \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}  % Suppress a line ruled by fancyhdr

%% Defined strings
\newcommand{\LMI}{Lunar Metrology Institute}

This report may not be reproduced, 
except in full, without the written consent of the\\
Chief Metrologist, Lunar Metrology Institute}

For information about uncertainty terminology, see: 
\textit{``Evaluation of measurement data---Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement''}, 
BIPM Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, Paris, S\`evres, edition 1, JCGM~100:2008, 2008. 
A PDF version is available on-line:


%% Define information for the report
\RequirePackage{xspace}         % Helps to manage space in LaTeX macros
\newcommand{\ReportReference}{Report No.\xspace \ReportNumber, \@date\xspace}

%% This command composes displays who has been involved in the report. 
        \textbf{Prepared by:}\hspace{5mm} \= \Metrologist \\
        \textbf{Authorised by:} \> \ChiefMetrologist

%% Packages to load the PDF artwork for the title page

%% A command to produce the title page

    % Suppress header and footer 

    % Page 1 of N is written at the top left
    % A vertical space is inserted before writing
    % the report title in a large font size 
    \textbf{\huge \ReportTitle}\\

    \textbf{\LARGE \ReportReference}

    % Load the background image
    % These commands must come after everything else.
    % They insert the background image and signal that 
    % the page is completed. 

% Fonts!!
% Arial is not in the public domain but Helvetica is very similar.
% So, we use Helvetica (phv).
% The default normal text should be 11-pt. In that case, LaTeX (ref, WikiBooks)
%   \HUGE ~= 23 pt
%   \huge ~= 19 pt
%   \LARGE ~= 16 pt
%   \Large ~= 14 pt
%   \large ~= 12 pt
%   \normal ~= 11 pt
%   \small ~= 10 pt
%   \footnotesize ~= 9 pt
%   \scriptsiize ~= 8.5 pt
%   \tiny ~= 7 pt
% The third parameter is the fontseries: `bc` stands for bold condensed

%% Define the layout of section headings



%% For embedded files

    % Executes after the document preamble has been processed,
    % so definitions made in the document can be accessed here.
    % Executes after the document preamble has been processed,
    % so definitions made in the document can be accessed here.
        pdfpagemode={UseAttachments}    % Prompts PDF reader
    % Page style defined for the report
    \raggedright        % Does not adjust the right margin
%% End of file `LMIReport.cls'.

Initial commands

The class file begins with commands that specify the name of the class and the fact that it must only be applied to typeset LaTeX2e source files.

\ProvidesClass{LMIReport}[2024/05/17  v1.0.0 LMIReport class]


Additional commands

Two new commands in the class file were not used earlier. These commands are called at specific stages when processing a document.

\AtEndPreamble is called at the very end of preamble processing. This macro can process any material defined in the preamble. We use it to assign values to XMP metadata relating to the report.

\RequirePackage{etoolbox}           % Provides \AtEndPreamble
    % Executes after the document preamble has been processed,
    % so definitions made in the document can be accessed here.
        pdfpagemode={UseAttachments}    % Prompts PDF reader

\AtBeginDocument is called at the very beginning of processing of a document’s body. It is useful to set the style for the report body here. We also use it to write the first part of the first page, which displays the title report.

    % Page style defined for the report
    \raggedright        % Does not adjust the right margin